Westermeier Martin Dental Care

Dental Sedation

Ensuring Comfort and Relaxation for Anxious Patients

Experience Optimal Comfort

Experience Gentle Dental Care with Our Expert Sedation Dentistry Services – Your Comfort is Our Priority!

Expert Sedation Specialists

Westermeier Martin Dental Care was among the first in New York State certified to offer sedation services. Recognizing the common stress associated with dental visits, our team provides three types of trusted sedation to help patients feel calm, relaxed, and at ease while in our care.

Sedation dentistry can be particularly beneficial for individuals with dental anxiety, a low pain threshold, or those undergoing complex and lengthy procedures. Our careful analysis of anxiety levels, procedure duration, health history, and personal preferences always guides the administration of sedative medications.

Ensuring Comfort and Safety for Anxiety-Free Dental Care

Trusted Sedation Options, Tailored to Your Individual Needs for a Stress-Free Dental Experience.

Nitrous Oxide

  • Also known as "laughing gas," Nitrous Oxide is available to all patients upon request. Our goal is to create a dental practice where visits are enjoyable, and Nitrous Oxide helps make dental appointments more tolerable for people with anxiety. Nitrous Oxide is administered through a mask over the nose and the effects wear off quickly, allowing patients to drive themselves to and from their appointment.

Oral Sedation

  • Light Oral Sedation is used at Westermeier Martin Dental Care to to help relax patients who are nervous about their dental care. Light sedation is a short lasting oral medication given to patients before the start of their dental appointment in order to put them into a very relaxed state, and is appropriate for appointments lasting 2 hours or less. Patients who choose to be orally sedated will need a ride to and from their appointments.
  • Full Oral Sedation uses stronger and longer lasting medication than light sedation. The medication is taken approximately one hour before the patient’s appointment, and when the patient arrives, more can be given if needed, once the dentists have fully assessed the sedation level of the patient. Full sedation is wonderful for patients who are having a number of dental procedures done at one appointment, and for those who may be in the dentist’s chair for several hours receiving treatment.

IV Sedation and General Anesthesia

  • Board certified dentist anesthesiologist Dr. Naressa Singh and her team provide in-office IV Sedation and General Anesthesia to our patients. Patient safety is their top priority, followed by patient comfort and a positive experience. Dr. Singh graduated with honors from the University of Buffalo School of Dental Medicine and completed her dental anesthesia residency at Jacobi Medical Center at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. She holds certifications in basic life support (BLS), advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), and pediatric life support (PALS). Dr. Singh serves as the Attending Dental Anesthesiologist at New York City Health + Hospitals Coney Island and is an Attending Dentist in the Level One Trauma Center at St. Barnabas Hospital. Working in a hospital environment allows her to stay on the cutting edge in current medical techniques and practices. She is a member of the American Dental Association, the New York Dental Association, the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists, the American Academy of General Dentistry, the American Association of Women Dentists, and the NYS Troopers Police Benevolent Association.

Schedule a Consultation

Book a consultation today to explore the diverse range of trusted sedation options best suited for your unique needs.